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5 free tix to Survivor 8 Business Pitch Competition / Demos & Cocktails

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 2:10 PM

Hi 106'ers.

Here's a great contest open to all startups from all of SoCal.  Our good friends at Tech Coast Venture Network (TCVN) are hosting this 8th in the Series Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win "actual cash investments" to help you jumpstart your efforts. Please see details and contest rules here.

First five to email [address removed] gets free tickets.

Also, we are in the planning stages for the next Demos & Cocktails event.  This next one will be hardware tech focused.  If interested, please email myself or Dave with details of your project or product.  Here are pics from some past events:

106 Miles Demos and Cocktails: Women in Tech @GA

106 Miles Demos and Cocktails: in Irvine with Adam Rifkin and Joyce Park

Our events are highly collaborative and we co-mingle with a bunch of other networks in the SoCal area so you get to meet other great like minded folks.

Happy Wednesday!

The 106 Miles Team.








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