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How are you all doing?

From: Yasuko K.
Sent on: Thursday, November 1, 2012, 3:01 PM

Dear Meditators and friends of CRS,

We are sorry not to be able to check on each of you individually! Everyone that we have heard from is managing so far. Many of you also lack power. Some lack water. If you are struggling, please do not hesitate to post your needs here or on the CRS FB page or to email us and we can try to be of help if we are able. Or perhaps someone else in the  CRS community can help. Yasuko is busy teaching in Japan but I am updating her nightly and she sends her love to all of you!

CRS remains closed as we await restoration of power. ConEd says they expect power may be restored sometime Saturday. We think we can open immediately after that, either on Saturday or Sunday, or hopefully Monday at the latest. We could open now in the day time except that now it has turned cold.... The dangerous debris from the Think Coffee awning has been removed from the front of the building so it is now safe to enter, but some aluminum siding will need to be replaced to protect the long-term integrity of the structure.

The government is distributing bottled water, meals in some locations. ConEd is distributing dry ice in one location in each of the five boroughs. AT&T and others are providing mobile cell phone towers and charging stations for your cell phones in some places. Public library branches are re-opening today in areas with power. Many hotels and coffee shops are allowing customers in to charge. Today the Grand Central Apple Store re-opened.

There is now limited train service uptown and very limited service in and out of Manhattan. Hoboken remains partly under water. PATH train service is not expected to be restored for 2 weeks or more...

If you need water to flush toilets, it is suggested you get water from the closest fire hydrant and carry it up and pour it into your toilet tank, if your toilet has a tank. Please check on your neighbors, on each other.

As students of A Course in Miracles and healing, many of us in the CRS community should be blessed with the ability to keep a calm mind and be of service to others. Let's offer miracles where needed!


Christopher Pelham
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)

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