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New Meetup: Ventura Atheists Summer BBQ and Potluck

From: Brian P.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 10:55 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Atheists United Family Group!

What: Ventura Atheists Summer BBQ and Potluck

When: Saturday, June 26,[masked]:00 PM

Home of Victoria and Brian Parra
write [address removed] for address or call
Oxnard, CA 93035

This event is from the Ventura Atheists, which I (Brian Parra) run. I want to invite everyone from this family group to bring your family and join us! We have a trampoline and lots of toys for the kids. You can check out the Ventura Atheists at if you'd like to join and RSVP there instead of here.

In place of Ventura Atheist's regular meeting in June, we'll have a BBQ and Potluck at Brian & Victoria Parra's home in Oxnard.

Bring your own meat or veggies to throw on the grill and a side dish or desert to share.

The host will provide soft drinks and condiments, feel free to bring your own adult beverages.

This is definitely a family friendly event, so bring the kids and grandkids!

Learn more here:

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