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Fwd: Southeast Guide Dog in need of Rescue, Collie

From: Andrea B.
Sent on: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 8:19 PM
Contact Tammy McMahan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Judith Elliott <[address removed]>
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:09 AM
Subject: Southeast Guide Dog in need of Rescue, Collie

Please help network!

Received an email from someone needing to place a Guide Dog that is a Collie. We really need to help this dog.  If he gets dumped at the shelter it won't be good. Can you help this dog or know of anyone that can? Any thought or suggestions? Praying it all works out for the dog. Thanks for your help.

Judy Elliott
(click on link below to join)
Follow Seniors for Seniors on Facebook
Volunteer Adoption Coordinator

----- Forwarded Message -----
To: Judith Elliott
Sent: Friday, June 28,[masked]:38 PM
Subject: Phone Message

Good morning Judy, Tammy McMahan here. I have a client that needs to find a home for a 9yr old collie, good health, extremely well behaved, lived with a Southeast guide trainer and user but she can no longer afford to care for him due to personal issues. Can you spread the word please so we can find him a good home? Also posting at spc and facebook. Thank you in advance.

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