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New Meeting: The London Museums and Exhibitions Group February Meetup

From: Anna F.
Sent on: Saturday, February 2, 2008, 9:52 AM
Announcing a new meeting for The London Museums and Exhibitions Group!

What: The London Museums and Exhibitions Group February Meetup

When: Sunday, February 24, 9:30 AM

Event fee: GBP1.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: We welcome anyone who likes art.

Why: You will like it because there are paintings which have never been seen before in this country.

Meeting Description: Dear All,
Thank you to those who turned up for my event on Saturday 1st of December 2007 at Tate Britain. It was a disappointing turnout as only 2 people bothered to turn up when 8 people said that they would come. In future if you are going to be late or are lost then please could you ring me on my mobile. After all, if you do so you won't keep other people waiting and it does reflect on the group as a whole. If you really can't come at the last minute then please do let me know. The next event will be at The Royal Academy in Piccadilly where we will go and visit From Russia: French and Russian Master paintings. This exhibition includes paintings by artists such as Matisse. To book your ticket phone[masked] and book for the 10.00- 11.00 time slot. We will meet inside at 09.30where I will have The London Museums and Exhibitions Meet Up sign on display. My mobile on the day will be[masked]. Please if you reply Yes and find that on the day you are having problems or really can't make it, then please text or change your R.S.V.P by the day before. It really is really inconsiderate if other members have to hang around for people who don't show up. An admin fee of ?1.00 will be charged and if possible could you pay it via Pay Pal. This saves hassle and avoids embarrasment on the day. We will have a bite to eat afterwards.

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