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Upcoming Events - November 26, 2012 Edition

From: Marc M.
Sent on: Monday, November 26, 2012, 9:06 AM

No new events to report this week, but we do have some interesting ones coming up. Remember, you can follow us @sciencetavern on Twitter and on our Facebook page and that you can catch up with podcasts of select past meetups on iTunes.

See you at the Tavern,

This week
Thursday, 7:30p
Finding the Jaguar Within: Psychedelics, the Brain, and the Shaman’s Journey
Katherine MacLean of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Charles Raison of the University of Arizona will discuss what happens in the brain during the shamanic trances brought about in part by the ingestion of entheogenic substances. This lecture is a companion to the ongoing ‘For I am the Black Jaguar’ exhibit at Emory’s Carlos Museum.

Seating for the above event is on a first-come-first-served basis.

In December
Wed, Dec 12, 7:00p
Volcano Chasing through the Years and the Science behind It *
Our Science Rathskeller series at Java Vino picks up again as Georgia Tech geophysics graduate student, Sarah Polster, introduces us to the field of volcanology and discusses possible directions for her future work. This will be the first in an occasional series during which Sarah shares the progress of her research with us.

Sat, Dec 22, 7:00p
How the Neuroscience of Love May Lead to New Therapies for Autism *
Larry Young will speak about his research on the science of social bonding in monogamous prairie voles and discuss the remarkable parallels discovered in human social relationships. He will also discuss how his discoveries on the chemistry of bonding may lead to new therapies to improve social functioning in autism. Copies of Larry's new book, The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction, will be available for purchase.

* Denotes an event which is an exclusive production of the Atlanta Science Tavern.

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