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Venue changes, meetup delayed

From: heath
Sent on: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 5:12 PM
No sooner had we had our first successful meetup at Fiddler's
Hearth...  than it closed down.  I am told we were actually there on
its last day.  This is tragic on a number of levels, but the one most
at hand is the fact it removes our new regular venue, at a moment when
I've become reluctant to keep trying to reserve space at Dominican
Joe's when the way the space is set aside, if at all, has been
slipping for months.

So, for the time being, I am delaying the next Saturday meetup, which
would have been in 1 week.  I welcome venue suggestions that can
consistently have space for a group of a dozen people on Saturday
afternoons, but I have a pretty sharp stipulation that it be centrally
located.  (ie, Anderson Lane is not 'central'; it's where the North
meetups happen.)

I am weighing other alternatives, such as trying to meet at a library.
 Since I actually work at the library, I have always been reluctant to
do this on the level of not wanting to mix my work and offwork

Feel free to send suggestions to me directly - [address removed]
- I want to respect the low-traffic nature of the mailing list.


- Heath