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Free beer at Twin

From: 007
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:09 PM
Just wanted to let people know that the event at Twin Liquors is from 3pm to 6pm and it is only for 21 and up. There will not be a "meetup" sign but as you come into the store go to your right and you will find the bar set up. Also a meetup person will not be there the whole time but I encourage you to take a gander around the store for some great deals. Also sign up for their mailing list so you learn about other free events and specials.

The Live Oak and 512 Brew tours are in the works and yes people this will be a strict sign up as the folks at the breweries bring in people on these "private" tours. Info will be sent out as soon as it is set in stone.

Hope to see people at the tasting on Saturday.


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