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New Meetup: Let's learn to ride a bicycle!

From: Pawan K.
Sent on: Sunday, May 18, 2014, 1:25 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for Bangalore Cyclists Group!

What: Let's learn to ride a bicycle!
When: Saturday, May 24,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Cubbon Park,
Corporation Circle

A small ride for those folks who are awed by cyclists riding in groups! This is your call to join us. This event is mainly focused for those folks who don't know how to ride a bicycle.

Meeting Point : Cubbon Park, Bangalore. (Corporation Circle Entrance)

Meeting Time : 24th May, 07:00Hrs

Don't have a bicycle? - NO PROBLEM
Don't have any fancy accessories - NO PROBLEM

Just make sure you have a butt-load of energy and enthusiasm to come, meet fellow cyclists and make some friends! I'm sure the cycling spirit in you will wake you up early on a Saturday morning for a ride. Just get yourself, some water to drink and some snacks to nibble on. (Let's not pollute the environment. If you're carrying plastic please dispose it responsibly)

Attendees will be taught how to ride a bicycle (If theydon't know); A basic bike geometry fit; some warm up and limber up sessions before a ride; general Q&A wrt to cycling (which cycle to buy / what accessories to buy / etc)

Any questions / queries / confusions, please reach me out.


P.S - The group, Host or the Organizers are not claiming any responsibility for the cycles or any kind of damage caused. So please take individual care and responsibility to make it a smooth ride. If you're not following group rules, you will be asked to go back home.

Check it out!

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