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A (good) movie every week in February ...

From: Art
Sent on: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 4:49 AM

Dear Bangkok Coffee and Movie Meetup Members,

We are getting closer to this year's Academy Awards (Oscars).

The 84th Academy Awards ceremony will honor the best films of 2011 and will take place on February 26, 2012, at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, California. It will be televised in the United States on ABC and will be carried by TrueVisions in Thailand. Billy Crystal will be host.  This will be Crystal's ninth time hosting the awards ceremony.

I will send another email about the TrueVisions schedule when it is announced.

Yesterday, the nominations for the awards were announced:




Our Bangkok Meetups to see six of the nine nominees for the "Best Picture" award will be held as follows:

* Moneyball - Feb 1
* War Horse - Feb 11 
* Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - Feb 17
* The Descendants - Feb 21
* The Artist - Feb 27
* Hugo - March 20

These Meetups are listed on our website and you can RSVP now:

Other "Best Picture" Nominees

* Midnight in Paris - This movie is still playing at the Lido Cinema, Siam Square:

* The Help

* The Tree of Life

See you at the movies!

Art, Organizer
Bangkok Coffee and Movie Meetup Group

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