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New information about our next Meetup

From: Art
Sent on: Friday, October 2, 2009, 2:04 PM
Hi Bangkok Travel Meetup members,

I have updated the Bangkok Travel Meetup web site for the October 17th Meetup- "To Lopburi by train". Please click here to see the new information:

The new information on that link includes:

(1) A detailed trip itinerary

(2) An application for the trip

(3) Procedure for booking with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and making payment

Please note that you must book the trip with the TAT. Your RSVP on our Meetup web site does not make a reservation for you. Your Meetup RSVP is requested so we can identify who from our group will be on the trip. Other people (not part of will be on this trip.

Any questions? You can reply to this email and your reply will go only to me (not the whole group).


Bangkok Travel Meetup

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