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From: Maris
Sent on: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 4:59 PM
?Anunciamos un nuevo Meetup para Barcelona International Expats!


Cu?ndo: s?bado 17 de julio de[masked]:30

Precio: EUR25,00 por persona

La Bodeguita de Marisol
Vic 7


We are going to lunch a Sevillanas course in 8 lessons. Sevillanas is energetic, passionate and happy dance from the south of Spain. This dance expresses a courtship between man and woman within the love and the sensuality game.


The course is focused on people who are interested in dances and, in particular the Spanish dances. There are 12 slots due the room size.
Marissa, an excellent dancer and one of our group co-organizers, will be our teacher. Marissa learnt Sevillanas in the south of Spain in her childhood, after she took flamenco lessons too.


The course is structured in 8 lessons. Sevillanas is divided in 4 parts (first, second, third and forth sevillana). Marissa teaches your each part in two lessons: basic and advanced lesson. Basic is to learn basic steps and advanced is to consolidate. Then, you will take 2 lessons per part.
The lessons that Marissa teach will be announced an organized in advanced. Then, you will know exactly what are you are going to do before the class. Also, you will have the choice to train yourself with some tutorials.
We have decided to organize the course in 8 lessons with pre-payment. The cost per person is 25 ? for the whole course. People who take 2 lessons with us, they will obtained a discount based on the classes they took in the past.

The bank details for the payment are: La Caixa[masked] [masked] (please, put your name).


The course is every Saturday from 6.15 to 7.30 pm. Please, arrive on time. :)
The course starts next 19th June and it will be finished by 7th August 2010.


The location selected is La Bodeguita de Marisol, a Cuban bar located in the Gr?cia area, c/Vic, 7 in Barcelona. The bar is enough big for 12 people and it the most important: it has a mirror!

The location will be always the same during the course. The bar is the former Gecko Bar. Now, this bar is run by Ricard, the new owner. Ricard is a friendly guy who wants to cooperate with u.

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