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Nuevo Meetup: Expats visit a Dog's Home in the Tibidabo

From: Jose M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 3:54 PM
?Anunciamos un nuevo Meetup para Barcelona International Expats!

Qu?: Expats visit a Dog's Home in the Tibidabo

Cu?ndo: domingo 19 de septiembre de[masked]:00

D?nde: Pl Catalunya Hard Rock Cafe
Pl Catalunya 21

The Dog's home is in the Tibidabo area. We will meet at Pl. Catalunya, Hard Rock Caf? entrance, at 9 pm. Then, will get L7 in the Ferrocarrils Catalans and wiill get off at Avda. Tibidado. In the Pl. Kennedy, we will get a bus till the Tibidabo Area (very close to Mirablau).

The first session consist of delivering information about the place, the ways of cooperation and receiving volunteer admissions.

Please, do not forget bring with you:

-Work clothes
-2 ID pictures of you (if you would like to become volunteer)
-ID document (if you would like to become volunteer)

Manuel's cell is[masked].

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