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Yosemite ~ A few spots left for a fully guided weekend! ~ June 15th-17th

From: Suzhi-Q
Sent on: Monday, June 11, 2012, 6:57 PM

Hello Outdoor Enthusiasts,

There are still a few more spots left for the Yosemite trip this weekend.  This is an opportunity to experience Yosemite and Groveland in a fully guided way in a short amount of time with the most FUN you could ask for!


- Camping (2 nights)

- Meals (6 meals)

- Floating through Yosemite with views of Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, Sentinel Dome and several other magnificent views!r

- Guided hike with Balanced Rock Foundation

- Evening concert at Mountain Sage Nursery (Brothers Comatose and the Easy Leaves)

- Yoga for all levels

- Drumming (bring your own instrument if you want to drum too.  Otherwise jut enjoy the sweet sounds)

- Dancing Freedom class with Samantha Sweetwater

Email me or call me if you are interested in attending and I can send you more details.  The cost is $175/person.  This is an event for singles, couples, families and friends.  All levels are welcome and this is a great way to make some really cool friends!

I hope to see some of you there!

Susan Lawrence


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