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New Meetup: Get excited and make things with science! Pre-Science Hack Day meetup!

From: Eri G.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 6:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for BioCurious!

What: Get excited and make things with science! Pre-Science Hack Day meetup!

When: Saturday, October 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Noisebridge
2169 Mission St third floor
San Francisco, CA 94110

As the very essence of "Experiment with Friends," Science Hack Day is the perfect place for the BioCurious!

To schmooze and swap ideas before the big (48 hour!) day, the Science Hack Day team is hosting a pre-Science Hack Day brainstorming meetup at SF hackerspace, Noisebridge, for everyone to come by, hear a brief SHD introduction, brainstorm project ideas and/or just chat with other awesome science hackers.

When: Saturday, October 23 at 3pm
Where: Noisebridge, 2169 Mission St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco (buzz the button to the right of the gate labeled Noisebridge to be let in)
Who: You and anyone interested in Science Hack Day!
Optional: Feel free to bring snacks/drinks for yourself or others!

- Science Hack Day SF team

P.S. Start adding any rough science hack ideas to the wiki at !
It's an informal, noncommittal place to brainstorm and connect with others on random ideas - there's also a link to browse through some of the ideas from the previous Science Hack Day in London.

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