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Re: I have an event that is THIS Sunday afternoon and you are invited (Bedford 2-5 PM)

From: Hannah
Sent on: Friday, January 13, 2012, 2:44 PM

Hello Beautiful Dancers!         Balle Balle!

This is a late notice for an event I have scheduled for my new Meetup which is for the healthy dancer.

I have only just added this event as the first one for Reiki, Self-Care and The Wise Dancer. The number of attendees are not showing on the website because many dancers are signing up through Isis Studio,[masked].So we will have a lively group for sure!

The $10 fee is only a donation to cover costs and it is not a movement workshop, so our 3 hours will be spent exploring and sharing the world of "behind-the-scenes-dancer" care. Do not stay away because of budget!

I hope if you can find the time to come you know that your attendance and input is very much needed and appreciated.

There will be a break for snacks and you may bring some to share or not as you wish.

Otherwise I will look forward to a great Bollywood & Bhangra workshop with you on Monday evening.

The Meetup times will be changed occasionally to give everyone a chance to come (back to Saturdays soon and even more dates to be added!)

Thank you again for your time and interest and your laughter when you come to Chak de Pattay or Raise the Floor!





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