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New Meetup schedule and updates.

From: Yuliya C.
Sent on: Saturday, November 6, 2010, 12:42 AM
Our next meetup is scheduled for Nov 11

In the meantime, greetings to everyone from the rainy Toronto Canada
where Sunday morning I am presenting at the Energy Psychology conference on principles of effortless healing for trauma and anxiety. A tip of the day - a leading Canadian psychiatrist reported significant success with healing the brain for those who suffer from anxiety and depression by adding vitamins - D, Fish Oil Omega 3 and Magnesium Glucinate. So check out your vitamin intake.

To-night I was showing to someone the energetic integration techniques for anxiety, and I had quite a group gathered around me. The person who tried looked so relaxed and blissful out that everyone wanted to try it. So that is what I am going to teach next Thursday!

Yes, I finally have scheduled the next event! To sin up go to

Sorry for the delay, many deadlines.
One - my article for Quantum Health, British online Journal on how to navigate time. I invite you to check it out

See you all soon back in Boston, both new member and old ones. I am looking forward to share with you want I have learned.
In light