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43 RSVPs! Please Honor Them. 9 Speakers on Selling & Marketing

From: Shirley W.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 9:47 AM
43 RSVPs. There are always some who RSVP and then do NOT SHOW UP! ? taking a place from someone else who wanted to come. Please honor your RSVP & come or if you cannot, change it to no so it opens up the space for others. The Boston Fashion Industry January?

There will be refreshments, but you can also bring food to share. There is a $2 fee at the door. Be prepared, at the door, to write in your email address CLEARLY for all the other attendees to get.

The meetup starts at 6PM. The nine speakers on different aspects of selling and marketing in the fashion industry is very exciting and will start at 6:30PM. With each speaking about 2 or 3 minutes each, it should take about ? or ? hr. Then there will be plenty of time to network especially with the speakers.

Lets welcome new members: KEISHA GREAVES, Fashion Designer & Personal Shopper. JO-JO, Professional Model. NIKOLE, Display Coordinator at Anthropologie. CHRISTINA AYUBE, Embroidery & Beading. Aspires to start a line. UNDREA CATO-STEELE, Designer with own clothing line. COOL DUDE (Vaibhav Kothari) Aspiring fashion entrepreneur between US & India. BOB KOURAFAS, Fashion photography. MEREDITH, Finance & Aspiring atheletic apparel line

We will have another great fashion meetup . We look forward to seeing you all.

Best wishes,
Your Organizers smile
Shirley, Jamall, Ron, Tom, Prithi, Constance, Evan

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