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fashion show

From: Ron R.
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 1:24 AM
Barbara Poole posted this messsage on the "whats going on" message board. here is the link: whats going on messages/boards/thread/[masked]

I am a new member and hope this is the right place to post this information. I am organizing a fashion show to take place May 16 & 17 in Boston's South End during the SOWA artwalk. I am looking for designers, models and stylists. The show's title is The Practical, The Impractical and the Artrageous. This is a wearable fashion show for human and non-humans, I am defining wearable very broadly. It is being sponsored by Bead + Fiber Gallery, a new gallery in the South End, dedicated to Bead + Fiber artists. The information for the applying and the show are located at OR you can contact me for more info. Barbara Poole fashion show.

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