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New Meetup: Boston Design Lab: “DESIGN to SELL”

From: Shirley W.
Sent on: Sunday, August 2, 2009, 10:51 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Fashion Meetup Group!

What: Boston Design Lab: ?DESIGN to SELL?Boston Design Lab: ?DESIGN to SELL?

When: August 8,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $5.00 per person

Shirley Willett Workshop
19 Briggs Street
Quincy, MA 02170

We are opening Boston Design Lab (BDL) to aspiring clothing designers as well as established ones ? Saturday, Aug. 8, 10 AM in its Quincy workshop. Some of the questions on our discussion ? DESIGN to SELL ? Are:
1. What are all the possible target consumer markets that you can choose to fit with your particular design style?
2. How can you find out more about your particular consumer that you are targeting?
3. What are the best selling categories today that would be good to aim toward?
4. What kind of design styling is good for the particular consumer you are targeting?
5. What are some of the best ways to reach your particular consumer?
6. How does production cost and selling price affect certain markets?
7. How do fabric and resources affect certain markets?

If you plan to RSVP, make sure you come with something to ?show?, sketches, photos from magazines, your clothing designs or someone else?s clothing. Also remember that we can only have ten. We love small groups to accomplish results.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday, Aug. 8, 10 AM in Quincy. If you have any questions, please email me.

Best wishes,smile
Shirley, Organizer of BDL)
Assistant Organizer, Boston Fashion Industry Meetup

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