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call for experiments and experimenting with blood

From: Michael N.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 12:01 PM
Hi, Boston Quantified Self! Happy New Year!

I'm writing with a few announcements for you.

First off, I am curious to see if it's possible to have a QS meetup end of this January. I have a few interesting speakers I've contacted, but I thought I would put the word out to see if there are other people interested in presenting. I have been growing a preference for personal experiments and personal projects lately. I'm open to all speakers, but would particularly invite anyone who has a personal investigation to reach out. 

Secondly, I am interested in approaching more companies to do a group experimentation -- like Zeo and the sleep meetup we did last year. If you either have a platform you'd love to do an experiment on, or have a platform that you think would be interesting for people to experiment with, please let me know.

Lastly, InsideTracker ( offered to do 2 before and after blood tests with members of the QS, for them to talk about a future meetup. Their note is below -- please drop them a line if you are interested.


[from InsideTracker]

Happy New Year!

As the Founder of InsideTracker from Segterra I wanted to thank everyone who attended the QS meetup on December 6, 2011. 

As part of my presentation I proposed an experiment to be conducted with two of you so you are able to try and evaluate our product. Below are the details of the proposal. Please respond back to us at: [address removed] by January 20, 2011 if you are interested to be part of it.

1. Diagnostic test to find baseline
2. Meeting with InsideTracker team 
3. 2 month later second diagnostic test
4. Write a blog on it at the InsideTracker websites, and present it at the Boston QS meetup

Again if you would like to be a part of this experiment please email us at:[address removed] by January 20, 2011.

Looking forward,

Gil Blander

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