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Free Brisbane Functional Programming Course

From: Katie
Sent on: Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 3:40 PM
G'day everyone,

I'm writing to let you know that NICTA is running a free, three-day functional programming course at Red Hat Brisbane next month. The difference between this and previous courses is that this one is targeted at women; men can apply to attend too, but preference will be given to women.

If you know a woman who may be interested, please pass on the below details. If you think Haskell seems a bit mystical, you may also want to consider applying.



Title: Introduction to Functional Programming (3-day workshop)
Presenters: Mark Hibberd, Katie Miller and Tony Morris
When: Monday 17, Tuesday 18 & Wednesday 19 March, 2014
Time: 9:00am- 5:00pm ( lunch will be provided)
Where: Red Hat, Level 1, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4000
Cost: Free

Abstract: In conjunction with the Lambda Ladies group, NICTA will be hosting a free hands-on, three day Introduction to Functional Programming, for interested participants (internal and external). This event is targeted toward women who are interested in learning about functional programming and preference will be applied accordingly.

We will be using the Haskell programming language for our journey over the three days and this session requires no prior experience with functional programming.

You will be required to bring a suitable development machine (portable) for working through the exercises. You will also need to install Glasgow Haskell Compiler ( version 7 or higher on that machine.
There are no other primary requirements.

Each session will be instructed by Mark Hibberd (NICTA), Katie Miller (Red Hat) and Tony Morris (NICTA), to help you along your path of FP discovery, wherever that might be.

EOI: If you are interested in attending this course, please email your EOI to [address removed]. It is very helpful for us to understand your goals in order to make the best of the time we will have, so please take the time to answer the below questions in your response. Your answers will not be shared- just used to construct the course structure/ material.

1- How would you rate your level of understanding of functional programming?
2- What would you hope to get out of the session?