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Free tickets to great developers event tomorrow night (Wed 21st March)

From: Peter D.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 8:02 PM

Hi All, 

I have two tickets to give away for this great event tomorrow night. (I'm not able to make it unfortunately)

YOW! 2012 kicks off with popular global speaker Damian Conway. Damian presents another world class keynote talk which informs as well as entertains. Thanks to our premier sponsor Atlassian, come and enjoy light food and drinks and join fellow developers for the first YOW! networking event of 2012! Help build your local developer community by spreading the word.

Brisbane - March 21st - Chifley at Lennons - 5.30pm 

Here's further details if you're interested. 


If you can make it and want a free ticket please email me on peter (at) and I will hook you up. 

Guys this is a first in first served scenario so get in quick!


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