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Inquisitive and Persuasive Business Discussions: Become An Active Participant!

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Are you a member of a multi-cultural team?

Do you want to communicate better with people from other cultures?

Join us this week and almost every week to participate in discussions that model a highly inquisitive and persuasive communication style necessary for friendly AND effective multicultural encounters. You can gain practical and deep insights into the most difficult issues facing multi-cultural teams.

Research (by Forbes Magazine, Careerbuilder and many others reputable sources) consistently identifies the following skills as the top job skills in demand

• Critical Thinking,

• Complex Problem Solving,

• Active Listening and

• Judgement and Decision Making

What they have overlooked is the skill of building fruitful long-lasting relations.

Our objective for every workshop is to help you develop skills for:

Rigorous and Vigorous Communication for effective Multi-cultural Teams and Long Lasting Relationships


Every week we prepare highly interactive activities so that you can learn new concepts in depth and practice the most important skills necessary for successful multicultural teamwork.

We try to maximize your learning and practice using rigor and vigor. BUT we have also created a safe multicultural environment so that you can practice the most important skills and learn expertly selected business communication concepts without fear of being judged or stereotyped .

Here are some of the skills we work on:

Critical thinking: Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

Complex problem solving: Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions

Judgment and decision making: Considering the relative advantages and disadvantages of potential actions to choose the most appropriate ones.

Active listening: Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate and knowing how to interrupting when necessary.

Please join us for our Mastering Business through ACTION-LEARNING Workshops:

Every week we introduce the most useful concepts, tools and techniques which help us to become better cross-culture communicators for business and use the most important concepts, tools, techniques and frameworks that experiences business people use everyday.

This week's topic will be decided soon so sign-up to receive links to related videos and articles.

About Us!

In 2015 our sponsors ( are providing experienced business workshop facilitators on the following topics:

In 2015 our sponsors are providing experienced business workshop facilitators on the following topics:

Business Knowledge, Thinking & Analyzing: Important Business Theories, Methods and Frameworks. What you would learn in an MBA. What you need to know about analyzing, decision making, strategy.

Business Communications: Negotiation, Presentation, Speaking, Writing Techniques for improving your business writing, speaking and presentation skills. Our Business Communication Workshops develop the confidence you need to ask the “right” questions and deliver your valuable opinions in the “right” way.

Most Relevant, Recent Trends from Harvard and all the Top Business Schools How Globalization and Global Issues are changing business. What are the most recent articles, research and ideas from around the world. What you need to know about Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility

Skill & Competencies: Interpersonal, Cross-Cultural, Motivational, Self-Awareness, Leadership What you need to succeed in all your business relationships. How to deal with Ambiguity, Uncertainty and Paradox. We will decide the topic for March 1 very soon, if you have an idea or a special request please let us know about it! ACTION Learning Workshops for developing global minds, global ambitions & global options BECAUSE Success Takes both Ambition and Action!

Designed to Prevent Groupthink

Just as we can make better decisions together, we can also make poorer decisions together. Groupthink occurs when members of a group don’t express new ideas, opposing arguments, or opinions, because of the social pressures within a group.

Symptoms of groupthink include rationalization, peer pressure, complacency, moral high ground, stereotyping, censorship, and the illusion of unanimity.

The problem with groupthink is essentially a lack of alternatives or views being presented, which can hinder learning in classroom scenarios or have devastating consequences to high stakes decision-making.

Multicultural Teams: Where Culture, Communication, Decision making and Leadership connect.

  1. Critical Thinking (found in 9 out of the 10 most in-demand jobs)

  2. Complex Problem Solving (found in 9 out of the 10 most in-demand jobs)

  3. Judgment and Decision-Making (found in 9 out of the 10 most in-demand jobs)

And these skills are all acquired with the disciplined application of the fourth such skill, Active Listening, also found in 9 out of the 10 most in-demand jobs.

It is interesting that an article in a high profile business publication would seem to be reporting this as news. Had critical thinking, problem solving, sound judgement, and active listening gone out of fashion? If we understand that "Common Sense" is not common, then it makes sense that these traits are apparently in short supply from the perspective of potential employers. The Oliver Scholars model prepares our young people to be able to think critically, embracing the challenge of learning at the accelerated pace expected of them in the finest independent schools, and beyond in college. We believe that teaching non-cognitive skills such as resilience and the ability to deal with adversity - a subject explored at length in Paul Tough's book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character ( - is the real reason that so many of our Scholars excel in whatever arenas they choose to compete in. When you think about the type of people that you want to work with, or just be around, aren't these among the traits that you want them to demonstrate on a consistent basis? In truth, this is not rocket science, though one might inspire a young person to become a rocket scientist by focusing on these qualities. It is time to encourage everyone, young and old(er), to become active listeners. If we can accomplish that, then other great things are sure to follow.

Photo of ACTION LEARNING: 英語で学ぶBusiness Skills for Global Minds group
ACTION LEARNING: 英語で学ぶBusiness Skills for Global Minds
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