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The collective exercise for the week of December 27

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 1:20 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who made it to the meetup last night. It was so nice to practice and to have some good conversation in a warm spot on such a stormy evening.

For this week?s exercise, I?d like to propose a practice in getting to know the mind a little better. This is a practice in welcoming all the things that our mind does ? a practice befriending wandering mind, planning mind, frustrated mind. Try to give yourself at least 5 minutes a day to practice this exercise. Maybe experiment with setting a timer some days and other days just practicing for as long or as short as feels right for you.

First find a comfortable spot. Gently allow your eyes to close and spend a moment or two inviting your body to relax. Maybe do a scan of face, shoulders, belly, hips, and legs, seeing if you can let your muscles relax a bit. Then, rest your awareness on your hands. Notice what sensations you find in your palms or fingers.
As you allow your attention to settle on your hands, try to have an attitude of allowing your mind to do whatever it will.
Let your mind go wherever it will.
Just notice what your mind does.
If your mind wonders, that?s the practice, just try to stay with your wandering mind.
If your mind gets frustrated, just stay with it and notice the expectations or stories your mind generates.
When you are finished with the practice, maybe take a moment or two to reflect on what that practice was like for you. What did you notice when you gave your mind permission to do whatever it will and when you welcomed whatever entered your mind?

Have a great week everyone.

Wishing everyone a warm, joyful, and healthy New Year,