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Casual Kayakers moves forward

From: Todd
Sent on: Sunday, January 6, 2013, 9:27 AM

Group Members,

As we look towards the future I believe in order for Casual Kayakers to continue to evolve there will be a need for several more people to join the leadership team as co organizers, assistant organizers, and event organizers in the coming months. If you feel you would like become a member of the leadership team please let me know.

Also we are looking for some of our more experienced kayakers to consider stepping up and offer to host weekly peer to peer practice sessions throughout the coming season. I do realize that is still a couple months or more away, but I'm hoping to get something in place for a successful season. Hopefully we could do this at two locations on alternate weeks, but location is still open to discussion. If you think you would like to help others work on developing and improving their kayaking skills, and are safety focused then we need you. The feedback I have received is that there is a great interest in safety and improving ones skills on the water within the group. That leaves us needing more knowledgeable advanced paddlers to guide and instruct us through these peer to peer practices. If you're interested or know someone who might be interested please contact the Leadership team. If you know someone who is not a group member but has good kayaking skills and could assist in peer to peer sessions please ask them to consider joining the group.


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