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your skills are needed!

From: manda
Sent on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 10:16 AM
Dear Homebirth Friends

We are looking for support for this year's?Birth Ball.? The Birth Ball is a
fun event that raises money for different birth oriented organizations. This
year the donations go to support the access of low-income women to doulas
and similar birth support.

Do you have a skill or talent that could be donated to the Birth Ball silent
auction?? We have had mothers donate such items as body work and a cooking
class with a trained "green" chef.? Other ideas
include: a lawyer could donate a will draft, a financial planner could
provide a free session to plan a college fund, or you could donate frequent
flyer miles to help create a romantic get-away package. Or, anyone can donate a?
few dollars to help us buy food and drink for the event!

If you have a talent, skill, or product that you would be willing to donate,
please let us know.

If you don't have anything to donate, you can help support the Birth Ball
and birth options in Illinois by sending the Birth Ball announcement to 5 of
your friends and coming yourself!? (You don't have to care about natural
birth or birth at all to have fun at the birth ball, besides having lots of
birth-oriented resources and the incredible silent auction, there will also
be a tango DANCE lesson, dancing, food, and wine.)

See you at the:

4th Annual Birth Ball: Celebrating Birth Options in Illinois
Saturday, October 25, 2008 from 7:30 - 10:30PM
$10 entry fee, payable at the door (all fees benefit Chicago Health Connection)?

Hosted by Bloom Yoga Studio

4663 N. Rockwell St.
Chicago, IL 60625
(773) 463-YOGA



manda aufochs gillespie


growing greener families

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