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New Facebook Group for "Chicago Wedding and Fashion Photography"

From: Ganesh
Sent on: Monday, December 2, 2013, 5:21 PM


We have started a new facebook to encourage daily activity on the group!... This group is for Photographers,Videographers, Models, Make Up Artists, Hair Stylists, Designers of all levels or anyone who love pictures! This is a OPEN group! Everyone is Invited!

Please put your hands together to share,learn & enhance your skills!

Motive -
1. to share,learn & Enhance Photographic skills
2. If you are looking for Photographers, here is the place.
3. To post Photography Gigs
4. Photographers in need of Second Shooters
5. to post Modelling gigs, Make-up artists, Hair Stylists, Designers
6. To post pictures for critique (Only Constructive Critiques, Please dont offend anyone!)
7. To showcase your work.
8. To sell photography gears.
9. Post any Photography deals that benefit the members
10.Hapy Posting!
(if you have more suggestion, please feel free to send me an email at [address removed])

Please join us using the below link -


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