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Re: [webdesign-396] free ticket to 360 Stack conference in Denver

From: Maurice W.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 8:35 PM

Hi Jonathan.
Thank you for sending this notice out. I've never heard of 360 Stack or the open devices lab concept. Unfortunately, after checking out both web sites, I'm still not clear on what the 360 Stack conference is about or what's supposed to go on there. Could you give a short synopsis? What will be your role at the event?

Thank you.

On Jul 2,[masked]:35 PM, "Jonathan Knapp" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I will be speaking in Denver in about a month at a conference called 360 Stack (  I happen to have an extra ticket and would like to offer it to someone from the NEO tech community if they are interested.

I'll be offering it to other groups as well, so let me know sooner rather than later if you're interested.  I'd like to give it away to someone who will actually go, so please only reach out if you would attend if chosen.  I'll be randomly raffling it off.

Jonathan Knapp
Coffee and Code, LLC 

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