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From: Kimberly A.
Sent on: Saturday, July 11, 2015, 8:05 AM

I've been behind on my welcome posts so this goes back to April 2015:  As of July 2015 we have 61 PAID MEMBERS.

If you've not met some of our new members, please give them a big hello at our next outing/meeting.  We are so glad you joined Comal River Riders Club.  Can't wait to ride with each of you.  PLEASE WELCOME:

Don Riley

Kat Forrester

Karma Ashley

Bud Ashley

Kevin Searles

Philip William

Mark Shaffer

Sony Schoelzer

Mon Monroe

Jerry Moncrief

Daniel Hawkins

As always - if you can think of a ride you'd like to see posted, and don't want to lead it, please let one of the officers know, and we can get it schedule and posted, until the next ride.

Kimber Cleveland