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An inspiring story of transformation...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2011, 12:31 AM

'They laugh at me because I'm different, I laught at them because they are all the same"

Dear Conscious Living People,

We are delighted to announce that on Wednesday, during our next presentation entitled ‘The Hero’s Journey’, Amazon bestselling author Mick Quinn will join us (by video Skype) from Guatemala to share his story of personal transformation; a fascinating tale which have been widely reported in newspapers and magazines all around the world.

We are particularly proud to have Mick with us as his life represents a perfect example of a hero’s journey. In fact, as an Irish immigrant he moved to the USA chasing the American dream in the mid-eighties. He did ’anything and everything’ to make a few dollars and later became the founder of several multi million dollars companies; but when he had everything, he suddenly realized that he was living, as he says, ‘an empty life’.

He then left his business, went on a trip of self discovery and wrote a book untitled ‘The Uncommon path’ which became a number 1 Amazon bestselling book in 2009.

He now lives in Guatemala were he has founded ‘The Integral Health Foundation’ to help local people face day-to-day challenges using the spiritual principles contained in his book.

(Mick Quinn author of the N.1 best selling book 2009 'The Uncommon Path' will join us (by video Skype) from Guatemala to share his own hero's journey)

If you want to hear Mick’s story of transformation from his own voice and want to learn how to apply the principles of the hero’s journey to your own life, you are more than welcome to join us for an evening of adventure, inspiration and fun!

THE HERO'S JOURNEY - An Adventure in Self Discovery & Self Expression with Max LEONE & Mick QUINN

Wednesday, November 23rd - 7.30pm

THE PEARCE HOTEL (Formerly Holiday Inn) - 98-107 Pearce Street Dublin 2 (5min. walk from the city center)


Love & Light

Max Leone

(Conscious Living Dublin)


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