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Denying your true nature never really works...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 4:52 AM


Dear friends,

Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder - and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...

Chasing happiness denying your true nature, never really works

Rather make yourself irresistibly attractive to happiness, by making the single best choice you can ever make: the choice of being your true self.

And then happiness will chase you wherever you go...

~ Massimiliano Leone (Conscious living founder & Organizer)


IMPORTANT: our next event (in just a week...)


"Imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship that is full of love, laughter, light, understanding and be with someone that brings out the best in you..."

"You always have the choice who you decide to be with and the more self-love and self-acceptance you have and the more you value yourself, the more you will attract a partner that will love you, accept you and value you as well.

In this talk I will give you tools to let go of the stories of the past and start experiencing more fun and joy in your life. I will also show you how to attract a fun and positive partner into your life.

For more information or to RSVP "Yes" to this event Click HERE!


ALSO...two weeks after...


All the way from Scotland, to bring Conscious Evolution Coaching for the first time to Ireland...

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION COACHING™: Change At The Speed of Light - With Michael WOLFF

"In this fascinating presentation Aikido master and energy practitioner Michael Wolff will help you feel what's like to be in Unified Consciousness and he will demonstrate how easy it can be, from a higher state of consciousness, to let go life time blocks and experience love, joy, harmony and Clarity of purpose.

Michael Wolff has been practicing and teaching the Japanese martial art, Aikido, for over 30 years. He is the founder of "Conscious Evolution Coaching™" and teaches the art of creating harmony in the world by first creating harmony within oneself.

For more information or to RSVP "Yes" to this event Click HERE!



PS: Guideline for RSVP to our events...

Rsvping "YES" to an event just means that you find the event interesting and that you may attend.

However you are always free to change your mind and not come to the evening without needing to change your RSVP from "YES"to "NO". -

Actually rsvping "YES" to an event whether you then show up or not, add to the good vibe that surrounds the event and helps the whole group get really excited about it:)!

So thank you for that:)!!


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