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Fulfilment in the NOW also makes you at peace with past and future...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Saturday, April 23, 2016, 11:40 AM


Dear friends,

Here is my thought for the week - or maybe I should say for the weekend - for you to ponder, and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...

Don't spoil your present to “reclaim” your past by chasing something that you didn't do earlier in life, but that no longer represents your best choice in the now. This would create more unlived present to reclaim later...

Break the chain, and start pursuing only what reflects who you are and what you can do now, rather than who you wish you had beenRemembering that fulfillment in the present makes you at peace with past and future as well...

Massimiliano Leone (The Secret Dublin Founder & Organizer)

I wish you all to enjoy the rest of the weekend and I take the opportunity to remind you our next event with a very, very special guest speaker:

7 Days to Improve Relationships: A New Way to Love - With Author Maria Jesus Lopez

"This is a very simple, yet very effective guide to achieve happiness in the way you relate to others.You'll be amazed how easy it is for you to enjoy harmony in your everyday life. - I believe that being in a conscious relationship gives us great opportunities to learn to love ourselves more."

For more information, or to change your "RSVP", "CLICK HERE"

Maria is the author of several books. Among them you can find:

- "7 Days to Improve Relationships"  
- "How to Heal a Broken Heart" 
- "The True You Shines: Let Go of Guilt and Shame"  
- "Empowerment: What is it? " 
- "Archetypes"

She is a qualified:

- Reiki Master 
- Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Master Instructor 
- Magnified Healing Teacher 
- Thai Massage Certified Teacher 
- Bach Flower Dance Teacher

She also holds advanced diplomas in:

- Psychotherapy 
- Hypnosis 
- Shamanic Practitioner 
- Theta Healing Practitioner


"What it means to Be in your Power in relationships"

To watch Maria's  video, click on the picture below (Highly recommended!)


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