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Re: [Content-Strategy-SFBay] New Organizers / Lightning Talks

From: Scott S.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 5:21 PM
Hi Frank,

I think we were going to try to have coffee this week but I am on my way to NYC tonight and am not back until Friday. Next week perhaps?

It looks like I will be mostly based out of San Francisco for the next few months. I can fill you in when I see you. So as long as I'm here, I'd love to help you guys out with the Meetup Group in whatever role you might need. I am also putting together a proposal for a lightning talk.

One thing I could maybe add to the group is my perspective on the international conferences that I attend. I have been to CS Forum London, CS Forum South Africa, and will likely be attending CS Forum Helsinki later this year. I also am attending Confab London in late March. I know I'm not the only one from SF who goes to these things, and maybe I could collaborate with someone on it. I also have been attending the NY Meetup Group occasionally, and plan to keep doing so. Perhaps I could bring back reports from those meetings?

Let's talk next week. I'm pretty open Mon, Tue, or Wed.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Frank Marquardt <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey Everybody,

Two announcements.

1. We're adding Anna Bloom and Margot Merrill Fernandez to our steering committee/group leadership team. Anna and Margot have been awesome about hosting events at Hot Studio as well as the behind-the-scenes organizing for events, creating a new logo for the SF Meetup (debuting soon!), taking video of the Karen McGrane event, and generally bringing new energy, ideas and enthusiasm to the steering committee. Welcome Anna and Margot!

By the way, if any of you would like to get involved in leadership roles with the group, please let me know!

2. Previously we announced a lightning talk for March, but due to lack of responses (we've only got one submission!) we're postponing this event. The good news: You've got more time to get your submission together!

The content strategy lighting talks will use the Ignite format (5 minutes, 20 slides x 15 seconds/slide), and the success of this Meetup will depend entirely on YOU. That is, your willingness and ability to share your thinking, insight, and experience with content strategy. So. If you're interested in giving a lightning talk, put it together a treatment for our selection committee to review. Send it to [address removed]. We'll have a rolling deadline on this. Just get it to us, okay?



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