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Stop The Flames Now!!!!

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 2:00 PM
Culture Sponges is about art, food, and live cultural events....

Any discussion off topic on the email list service, that does not support a congenial and positive outlook toward cultural ideas will result in immediate action by me, the organizer.... I can also warn other organizers as well to any rude, disrespectful behavior.... So watch out...

My email, this email should not be necessary, but I now have gotten complaints about a discussion about rudeness and grammar, which have nothing to do with the positive fun atmosphere of Culture Sponges!!!!

I do not care who started what.... My little sponges!?

If you have questions about what is appropriate behavior on an email list, and are confused read this:

Be nice Culture Sponges... Your Organizer loves you all very much... I am up day and night trying to help you all be the best culture sponges you can be.....

Now, those persons should make up and play nice....

Okay, stay tuned... One wild night is coming....