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Helping Android Developers Test Applications

From: Prasanna P.
Sent on: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 7:16 AM

Hello All,

One of the advantages of Android is that consumers get to choose from a lot of different types of Android smartphones.  This also means that Android developers need to test on a lot of different devices before releasing the application to the Google Play store.  

To help the Android developers in our community we want to create a simple mailing list of people who would be willing to run the developers Android application on their smartphone and provide feedback before the application is release to the public.  This is completely voluntary and there is no obligation to test the application even if you put your name on the list.  However this would be a big help to the developer.

If you are interested in helping out the Android developers in our community test their applications please send me an e-mail directly or reply to this post with what kind of Android devices you can use for testing.



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