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Re: trading plan workshop

From: Beth
Sent on: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:28 PM
Eliezer has posted his notes from the OTA radio show in our files section:
Thanks Eliezer.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Beth Shapiro <[address removed]> wrote:
Thanks to those who participated in the trading plan workshop last night. I think we covered good ground.

We agreed for next month to work on filling in more specifics under the topic headings.

Eliezer brought a very helpful page that he transcribed from the OTA radio show. We'll try to get that posted to the list.

We discussed several relevant topic headings. Everyone's plan will be different, customized for your own personal trading, but some broad topics to consider addressing (in no particular order):

Mission/Objective Statement
Identification of personal strengths, weaknesses
General notes - what are you going to trade?
Money Management - position sizing, risk tolerances
Strategy - plays, setups
Trade management - how you will handle a trade once you are in it
Preparation - may include homework, trade review, factors that would prevent you from trading
Analysis - how you will assess the success of your system

The challenge for January is for us to fill in specifics under these topic headings. Try to have something in writing, and bring it if you are willing.
The specifics of your trading plan may be personal and you will not be required to share private info, but we encourage you to be very specific for your own benefit.

My personal thank you to trading plan workshop participants. I do not have an official written trading plan and this workshop is a motivator and help for me personally. I appreciate members' willingness to share your skills and ideas for everyone's benefit.

If you missed December's workshop, you can still catch up in January. Bring what you have.


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