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Come to the LAUGHTER YOGA Meet-up! It's a unique - new - way to experience benefits of Laughting!

From: Deepa K.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 8:29 PM
Dear Yogis and Yoginis,
Come check out our newest Meetup event - LAUGHTER YOGA.
Give your senses and soul a work out with laughter and experience the Power of Laughter - one hour (or more if you like) of special laughing techniques, utilizing different muscles in the face, the lungs and stomach. We think laughter is only a workout for the face, but when it is done correctly, your whole body gets a workout. Laughter Yoga can lift the stress away, bring out your smile and rejuvenate the body and mind with the invigorating joy of laughing. Laughing sessions also help calm and relax the mind.

As one recent participant shared,
"I love to laugh and I love to hear others laugh. So I enjoyed sharing that with you in last week's laughter session. What I hadn't thought of before was how very relaxing and mind-emptying laughter can be, making it a great transition into meditation. It was also an effective icebreaker among a group of people, increasing people's comfort level with one another."

This special Laughter Yoga session will be taught by Carla Riechman, laughing expert and President of Laughter International. Inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, Sri Sri knew the power behind laughter was needed in today's fast paced, stressed world.

For more information, contact [address removed] or[masked] or the meet-up organizers.

"Laughter brings one to silence and silence brings one to laughter."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Hope to see you all there! Let's have fun laughing together!