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Tuesday's Meeting: 50 wines to be tasted with appetizers

From: Dilek Caner M.
Sent on: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 9:43 AM
Hello Everyone,

I would like to remind you of the tasting that is coming up on Tuesday Sept 21st at Vino 100. There will be around 50 wines to taste along with some appetizers. I really hope that more people take advantage of this offer, as it is not everyday that we get a line-up of 50 wines. The venue charges $25 for the event. Please note that I have no profit from this event and neither am I working for the venue. I am just bringing this event to our group's attention because I think it is a worthwhile tasting.

On Tuesday, I'll be meeting our group members at a designated area at the venue and we'll taste and discuss the wines, and hopefully talk about what other types of events everyone would like to see organized.

If you'd like to see more details or sign up, please visit our group page and RSVP there.

Dilek Caner

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