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*** Last Week to Vote in Boardgames Group Polls ***

From: Curtis K.
Sent on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 4:17 PM
Fellow boardgamers,

This is the last week for voting in two Boardgames Meetup Group polls. One poll asks where you would like to have another regular meetup (besides the one at Fuddruckers) and the other asks when (day and time).

Regarding location, it's a close race between Carrollton/Addison and West Plano, with East Plano/Richardson not far behind. Regarding time, it's a tie between Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

If you have a preference, please vote in these polls soon. I intend to close them by Sunday, January 3. Then I will announce the results.

Also, you may reply to this message or contact me directly to express your preferences and/or recommendations for a good place to play boardgames. Even though I will be scheduling a second regular meetup next year, this does not preclude other boardgames meetups from occurring elsewhere in the Dallas area. However, I would need someone else to organize such events (as Dena and Grace have kindly been doing). The group is large enough that we could probably schedule two meetups on the same day once in a while.

Let's have lots more fun next year!
