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Group presenter for September

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 6:03 PM
Hi everyone

I have a great group member presenting in October, and one presenting in November. I don't, however, have one for September. Any takers? This is open to any member of this meetup group, who hasn't presented, or isn't scheduled to present yet. The subject can be anythign related to Metaphysics which you have experience with which is easy to follow, and interesting to you, for about 30 minutes. The date is Thursday,, September 24th, Please let me know, or I will do a presentation or some kind. I really want to give all the members who want to present, the chance to do so. You will be presenting with Patti Koop, an animal communicator. Please contact me, if you are available.

[address removed]

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