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DSW Snow day blizzard conditions in Highlands Ranch - Today DSW Canceled

From: Tracy O'Shaughnessy | O.
Sent on: Saturday, March 9, 2013, 10:13 AM
Need to cancel today March 9th - due to blizzard conditions in Highlands Ranch - Today DSW Canceled So sorry to cancel today's March 9th (2-5pm at tattered cover) meet up. Members are welcome to use this site to post if some of you want to try and meet up, and coordinate who will show up, however, as a courtesy to our members coming from so many far away places, I do not want people to drive in these conditions, to find no one showed up because of the snow. Let's use today to write something awesome! All the best to you, and looking forward to next time. Tracy O'Shaughnessy DSW Organizer

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