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Concert Nov. 17

From: Meri S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 7, 2013, 3:25 PM


Just a friendly reminder about MJV concert on Nov far it looks like I'm the only one from this group that will be attending....kind of lonely.  But here's the info again anyway :)   CHEERS!


METRO JAZZ VOICES are thrilled to be performing in the beautiful sancuary of the FIRST UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF DETROIT. Concert will take place on Sunday, Nov. 17 starting at 5pm. MJV will perform 2 sets of music with a very short service in between, followed by a "Meet & Greet" reception in fellowship hall where refreshments will be served and CD's will be available.
Proceeds from ticket & CD sales will go to the upgrading the churches sound system and music programs.
What better way to spend a chilly November Sunday Evening than Listening to beautiful vocal harmonies in a gorgeous sanctuary...all for a great cause!!


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