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Help Truismo build their mobile app - discover socially responsible businesses!

From: Jon S
Sent on: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 11:28 PM

Hi all,

I had the chance to join one of the meetups and love the things that this group is doing. I wanted to share with you a social venture I've recently started called Truismo. We we need your help in raising funds for building a prototype for our location-based mobile app, and we're also looking for a developer / potential tech-cofounder!

About Truismo:

What if you knew that your local grocery store helped support life-saving disease research programs? Or that the money you spend at the coffee shop around the corner went to developing third-world countries? Truismo lets you discover socially responsible businesses and the nonprofits they support. Check in, earn points, and -- even if you already use other apps like Foursquare and Facebook Places -- turn your check ins into DONATIONS to charities you care about. We believe both big brands and small businesses can contribute to important social causes - while still earning a profit - and inspire social action in consumers.

We've launched a fundraising campaign on -- in addition to a private invite to the beta release, we're offering a bunch of cool rewards for donors like free points added to your account, a Truismo t-shirt, passes to sponsored charity events and more! Learn more about us and the Truismo Index Project on our website.

I'm personally excited about the growth of Truismo and we could use all the help we can get. The campaign runs until October 20th, and here's the best ways to show your support:

1. PLEDGE! Even a minimum $5 pledge will push us to the top of the IndieGoGo site and increase our backers. Pledge Now

2. SHARE! Tweet us, post us on Facebook, Google+ us, share us with all your friends! It takes only a minute but makes all the difference in the world. If you know any developers who'd be interested, pass this along!

3. COMMENT! This is our first campaign and we could use your feedback, constructive criticism or praise...

My sincerest thanks, and I look forward to using the power of social media to make a difference in the world together. Check out our website at to answer all your questions, and visit our campaign page to donate!

Jon Sukarangsan

Copyright 2011 Truismo. All rights reserved

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