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Dreams and Relationship

From: Hitomi
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 3:43 PM

Dear fellow dream explorers,

We are looking at the possibility of creating a technology or platform for 'relationship with more awareness' (using dream analysis, imaginary journeys, etc). We need your help, because we believe that many of you on Dream Cafe Meetup are interested in expanding awareness.

We have created a very short (10 question) annonymous survey to see first what conscious-minded people are looking for in their relationships and how our technology could help them. Whether you have a partner or not, we would really appreciate it if you would try it. It would help us greatly.

Here is the link to the survey:

On our next meetup, we are also planning to focus on relevance on dream messages for our relationship life.

Thanks so much & look forward to seeing some of you soon at the next Dream Cafe.

All the best,

Hitomi & Adi

Organizer, Dream Cafe