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Entrepreneurs/SME's/Conglomerates - RTTG Apprenticeship Funding - Free Apprenticeship Recruitment and Training for Employers

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, December 9, 2010, 3:00 PM

Dear All,


If you are an Entrepreneur/SME's or Conglomerate hiring within Sales, Business Administration, Retail or Information Technology who like to see an immediate improvement in their bottom line productivity, efficiency, skill set and current motivational levels within the existing workforce by taking on apprentices between the ages of 16-24 for three to nine months then please give me a shout.?

Benefits for the employer include free delivery of the apprenticeship program incorporating a free apprentice recruitment service (covering the initial screening of all potential applicants as well as subsequent telephonic/ face to face interviews) and a free apprentice training (up to Nationally Recognized, UK Wide NVQ Level 2 Qualification).

For more information, please call me on [masked] or simply respond back with an e-mail to [address removed]



Kashif Pervez

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