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Summer Pickup Soccer Schedule Posted

From: John
Sent on: Sunday, May 10, 2015, 12:39 PM

The Summer schedule for pickup soccer is now set up on the Meetup site. Rather than announce all of the meetings individually and bombard with you with messages, below is the schedule effective from Monday 18th May until late September. Games may be added or removed based on demand so please keep an eye on the Calendar on the website.

I am holding the playing fee at $8 for the summer - similar to last year. However, I will be strictly enforcing the late fee for players who arrive later than ten minutes before the start of a game. The reason for this is to ensure that games start punctually. It is unfair on those who arrive on time to miss playing time due to players arriving late.

Finally, I have a ladies team looking for a couple of additional players for the Thursday night 7-a-side recreational league. All games are played at 7.30pm or 8.40pm. If you are interested in joining, please visit the website at for details. The early bird pricing of $125 for 15 games will apply to the first two registrants

Have a great summer



Monday 6pm - Coed Pickup

Thursday 6pm - Men's Pickup

Friday 6pm - Coed Pickup

Saturday 9.15am - Ladies' Pickup

Saturday 10.30am - Men's Pickup