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Looking for a contract gig? Take mine.

From: Jonathon W.
Sent on: Monday, July 2, 2007, 10:34 AM
(First off, let me apologize if this message is seen as a  
distraction. I'm not a recruiter, and I think this posting is a lot  
more on-topic than the PHP-recruitment post people have complained  

I've been doing some part-time Rails/HTML/CSS contract work for a  
stealth-mode startup the past several weeks, but I've recently  
accepted a fulltime offer which will make it impossible for me to  
continue the contract gig. So, I'm looking for someone to take over  
my role on the project. They've paid me well, and it's a challenging  
and interesting project, from both a technical and a social perspective.

There is a very talented Rails developer on the project who's in  
charge of the app's architecture, as well as a good visual designer,  
so what they really need is someone that bridges the gap between the  
two -- someone with strong CSS/XHTML/Javascript­ skills who also has  
Rails development experience.

Please let me know if you're interested. They're fun to work with,  
open to everyone's feedback, and did I mention they've paid me well?

-Jon Wolfe

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