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RE: [ruby-81] jQuery type-ahead and multi-select...

From: Jon S.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 10:27 AM

Thanks, Charles… I’ll take a look…jon


Jon Seidel, CMC®

Effective Decisions... Priceless!


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Charles Worthington
Sent: Tuesday, November 20,[masked]:36 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [ruby-81] jQuery type-ahead and multi-select...


Sounds like you could use the jQuery Tokeninput plugin, and have them search via a text input instead of a long drop down (which I prefer when dealing with a list longer than 10 items anyways):


There's a Railscast on it too:


Note that this solution only works well if the user is familiar with the namespace categories you have defined, and does not need to "see what all my options are" before they are able to decide what to select.



Charles Worthington

Founder & Principal, Gray Duck Labs


On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Jon Seidel wrote:

We’re working on an application where the client has a very long list of services to be selected. Much of the time, they will need to select only a single item, so some form of type-ahead is required. However, they will sometimes need to select more than one item, so we need to be able to also provide a multi-select option on the same drop-down. 


I’ve found lots of great plugins to do one or the other, but not both… has anyone found a solution for this?


Thanks much…jon


Jon Seidel, CMC®

Effective Decisions... Priceless!


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