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Empath Group of Lakeland Florida

From: Janet
Sent on: Sunday, May 8, 2016, 9:57 PM

Hi fellow Empath's,

In the future there will be classes and Meetup near the Lakeland,Florida area.

- If it is a social Empath Group Meetup get                 together there is NO Love Donation.

-  If it is a class, Workshop, or a special speaker there will be a suggested Love Donation for those Meetups.

This is due to a cost increase for having the group on  and I will be retiring soon and will not have the funds to keep the website up. if you wish to chip in and help out with the expenses please go to the website and there is a place where you can chip in and help out.

Thank you for the help.    :-)

If you have any questions please contact Janet White wings flying the organizer of the Empath Group Lakeland Florida.


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